New Mangala Motors Tudawa
New Mangala Motors Tudawa
New Mangala Motors Tudawa
New Mangala Motors Tudawa
  • June 30, 2023 11:24 am
  • Matara-Hakmana Road, Uyanwaththa, Matara, Matara District, Southern Province, 81000, Sri Lanka

New Mangala Motors TudawaWelcome to New Mangala Motors Tudawa, your trusted destination for all your vehicle tinker paint works, hydraulic works, and commercial vehicle engine repair needs. Located in front of Tudawa School, Tudawa, we specialize in providing comprehensive services to enhance the appearance, functionality, and performance of your vehicles.

Additionally, we offer expert hydraulic works, ensuring the proper functioning of hydraulic systems in your vehicles. From repairs to maintenance and installation, our team is equipped to handle all your hydraulic needs.

නිව් මංගල මෝටර්ස් තුඩාව අපෙන් ඔබට සියලු වාහන ටින්කර් පේන්ට් සේවා සහ හයිඩ්රොලික් වැඩ සහ ඇන්ජින් රෙපයාර් වැඩ සිදු ‌කරනු ලැබේ!


  • Category : Tinkering & Painting
  • Tinkering : Accident Recovery, Customer Request , All Tinkering Service
  • Service Type : Repair
  • Painting : Full paint, 2k paint, Under Code Paint, Accident recover paint, All paint service


Matara-Hakmana Road, Uyanwaththa, Matara, Matara District, Southern Province, 81000, Sri Lanka