Sampath Motors Akurugoda
Sampath Motors Akurugoda
Sampath Motors Akurugoda
Sampath Motors Akurugoda
  • June 27, 2023 5:01 pm
  • Kirimatimulla Junction, Matara-Akuressa Road, Palatuwa Interchange, Matara, Malimbada, Matara District, Southern Province, 81050, Sri Lanka
Rs 5,500variable price

Welcome to Sampath Motors Akurugoda! We offer comprehensive full-service options for Bajaj three-wheelers at competitive prices. Our skilled technicians provide top-notch maintenance and repair services to ensure your vehicle performs optimally.

With our expert care, your three-wheeler’s 4-stroke engine will receive thorough attention for just 7500/-, while 2-stroke engines can enjoy complete servicing for only 5500/-.

In addition, we also provide professional body wash services for all types of vehicles. Experience the best service in town at a reasonable price at Sampath Motors Akurugoda. Drive in today and leave with a vehicle that looks and performs its best!

සම්පත් මොටර්ස් වෙතින් දැන් සියලුම වාහන බොඩිවොෂ් කිරීම සහ 3රොද රථ සහ බයික් සදහා ෆුල් සර්විස් සේවා සපයනු ලැබේ! 4ස්ටොක් රථයක් ෆුල් සර්විස් කිරීම සදහා රු 7500/- පමණයි

2ස්ටොක් රථයක් නම් 5500/- පමණයි! ‌

විස්වාසවන්ත කඩිනම් සේවයක් ‌ඔබ වෙනුවෙන් ලබා දීමට අප සැමවිට කටයුතු කරමු!


  • Category : Garage/Service Center
  • Garage : All three wheel repair , Bajaj three wheel repair , TVS three wheel repair , Piaggio three wheel repair , Engine repair , Cuppin grees, Cluch plate replace , Timing chain replace , Break adjusting , Cable change, Tapet adjusting , Carb tuning


Kirimatimulla Junction, Matara-Akuressa Road, Palatuwa Interchange, Matara, Malimbada, Matara District, Southern Province, 81050, Sri Lanka